How Physical Therapy Can Help You Recover from Injury

Injuries can be a major setback for athletes but physical therapy can help you recover quickly and safely. Learn how physical therapists can help you strengthen affected bones or muscles, reduce pain & swelling & improve performance.

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Recover from Injury

Injuries can be a major setback for athletes, but physical therapy can help you recover quickly and safely. Physical therapy works to eliminate the risk of further injury by encouraging proper movement in the affected area. It also helps to ensure that your body heals at the highest possible level. Most sports injuries are caused by sudden, stressful movements or repetitive movements. Physical therapists are trained to help you strengthen the affected bone or muscles to prevent you from reinjuring yourself.

By helping you develop your strength, flexibility, and coordination, a physical therapist can help train your body to be less susceptible to accidents. Active physiotherapy requires the patient to participate in the exercises. The physical therapist will teach stretching and strengthening exercises to help the weakened muscles around the injury. These exercises will help to gradually regain function and strength in injured joints or parts of the body, thereby relieving pain as the muscles become more supported. Physical therapists play a critical role in keeping athletes healthy and up to date with their game by conducting thorough evaluations, designing individualized exercise programs, and implementing injury prevention techniques.

Endeavor Physical Therapy is an outpatient physical and hand therapy clinic that provides first-rate physical therapy intervention to patients who suffer musculoskeletal injuries before or after surgery. In a recent study by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), patients who suffered osteoarthritis and meniscus tears showed similar physical capacity scores at 6 and 12 months of undergoing a partial meniscectomy compared to those who had only completed physical therapy. If you want to recover quickly from your sports injury, what you need is a sports physical therapist, as well as the highly trained experts at Endeavor Physical Therapy. Incorporating physical therapy into sports training programs can significantly reduce the risk of sports-related injuries. Sports trainers, doctors and physical therapists continue to gain more knowledge about physical therapy and the prevention and diagnosis of sports injuries.

Physical therapists use their knowledge of the body to know exactly what exercises will increase mobility after an injury. Austin is a board-certified orthopedic physical therapist (OCS) with extensive experience in manual therapy and athlete rehabilitation. Over time, regular physical therapy can restore a patient's function and range of motion, improving their well-being. As long as physical therapy can help you restore joint function and mobility, surgery can often be avoided. Throughout his time as a physical therapist, Sebastian has been mentored by professional-level coaches and doctors (who worked in major organizations such as MLB and minor league baseball).By assessing an athlete's flexibility, strength, range of motion, and biomechanics, physical therapists can develop specific interventions to improve performance and prevent injuries.

In addition to injuries to joints, muscles and bones, concussions are also a hot topic in today's sports. If you're recovering from an injury or want to prevent it, consider consulting with a physical therapist to determine if physical therapy is the right option for you. Physical therapists can encourage faster recovery with a decrease in pain and swelling during the initial phases, maintain range of motion and strength throughout the body during the intermediate phases, and then increase activity to the previous level in the later stages. With their expertise in injury prevention and rehabilitation, physical therapists can help athletes get back on their feet faster.

Sean Mraz
Sean Mraz

General social media ninja. Hardcore pop culture lover. Incurable social media guru. Foodaholic. Wannabe zombie expert. Friendly beer maven.